by Jonathan Teraji


Click on any of the Tech Tips Links for a printer friendly page to add to your notes!

 Be Sure to Scroll this whole page, there is some interesting stuff hidden here and there!




 YSR Tech Tips
1.   Spark Plug Tips 2.   Pump Gasoline
3.  Stock YSR Carburetor 4.  YSR Clutch
5.   20MM Carburetor 6. Oil Leak??
7.  24MM Carburetor 8. Race Wiring Set Up

9. How to Figure CC's 10. Stator Info (Generator)
11. Fox Shox Set Up 12. Top End Assmbly-Brk In
13. Pre-Mix Oil 14. The Crankshaft Story
15. Kick Start Installation  16. Changing Fork Seals
17. Cylinder Head Maint. 18.

 19.Gas Cap Removal  20. Changing Left Crank Seal


 Derbi Tech Tips
1.  Front Wheel 2.  Foot Peg Mod
3. Clutch Replacement  4.  24MM Carburetor 
5.  Shift Shaft Fix   


 Zuma Tech Tips


 Go to Zuma Tech Tips Index



How do I ship an engine, and what are the costs??

It is difficult to estimate the cost for a rebuild without having looked at the engine. our labor is:

YSR tear down, and re-assemble=$155

Derbi tear down, and re-assemble=$175
Boring if necessary=$55
YSR porting if desired=$135, Derbi porting=$155

Those are the labor charges. As far as parts are concerned it is totally dependant on what is needed. We only replace as necessary, or if thecustomer requests.

When we receive an engine, we dis-assemble (usually same day as received) then call the customer with a complete and exact estimate of repair. Any other work that the customer desires, i.e., carb kit, porting, etc., is added as appropriate.

Turn around time for a compete engine rebuild is about 3-4 days. We generally have all parts in stock.

Our techs have a combined experience of over 100 years in the m.c. industry and treat each engine as if it were their own.

We are very proud of our work, and we know YSR's and Derbi's better than anyone.

As far as shipping is concerned, please drain the oil, then crunch up a bunch of newspapers and place around the engine in a cardboard box. Use lots of newspaper and pad well.

Ship via UPS or U. S. Postal Service which has better rates than ups, around $25 coast to coast.
address to:
Team Calamari Racing, 97 San Benancio Rd., Salinas CA 93908

please include your name, address and a telephone number.
thanks.....the squids


 This is the E-Mail address for Tech Questions:



Tech Questions--- Ask Jonathon





Thanks...the squids





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